To start well the new year, read and share L'Inconditionnel

To start well the new year, read and share to your friends the very first newspaper on basic income

Among the many happenings around UBI, December was notable for an event which is historic for the world movement behind this idea: the launch of L’Inconditionnel, a French-language newspaper dedicated to the concept of UBI, produced in partnership by the networks in Switzerland, France and Belgium and financed by more than 200 people.

This first number, free of charge, introduces the ideas behind the basic income in various ways. Its print run was 60,000 copies, so it is perfect for spreading the proposal widely. On you will find a downloadable version in PDF; even better, on the same site you can identify the physical distribution point nearest you, where you can obtain one or more copies to give to your friends: [+]

CSSH-N Commission discards SP Income General Insurance as a counterproject

Discussions around the initiative for a basic income are being developed. The initiative is being discussed at the Parliament on 13rd and 14th november at Social Security and Public Health Commission (CSSH-N).

With 15 votes against 6, CSSH-N Commission refused to suspend the object of the Initiative «For an Unconditional Basic Income», a suspension that should have taken place for administration to work out an indirect counterproject. It will resume its audit after the winter session.

Swiss Parliament


Swiss Socialist party (SP) has suggested in commission the General Income Insurance (AEV) as a counterproject to the Unconditional Basic Income. AGR is a unified and permanent indemnization system in case of professional gain losses, suggested by the Denknetz (DE – a think tank close to the socialist party). [+]

Die Angst der SP vor dem sozialistischen Grundeinkommen

Tages-Anzeiger logo Artikel im Tages-Anzeiger:

Die SP ist bezüglich eines Grundeinkommens gespalten. Eine Mehrheit lehnt die Idee jedoch als «gefährlich» ab.

Was den Initianten des bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens vorschwebt, klingt wie der Traum eines jeden Sozialdemokraten. Doch die SP lehnt die Initiative ab. Sie hält sie für «gefährlich», wie sie in einer Mitteilung anlässlich der gestrigen Behandlung der Volksinitiative in der nationalrätlichen Kommission für soziale Sicherheit und Gesundheit geschrieben hat. Anstelle eines Grundeinkommens schlägt die SP die allgemeine Erwerbsversicherung vor – eine Idee, die vor einigen Jahren in Umlauf gekommen ist.

coins be brushed
8 Millionen Fünferli auf den Bundesplatz. [+]

First Summer University for Basic income

With the support of the local authorities of Coulounieix-Chamiers, the French movement for a basic income has organized the first summer university on the basic income. It will take place on on August 21st, 22nd, and 23rd in the Perigord region, in Coulouniex-Chamiers (close to Perigueux), France.

La Bessonaz

Interaction between speakers and participants will be privileged everywhere. This university is people-centric, transversal, participative and sociable! It is aimed at everyone, could you be complete profane up to the specialist. [+]

General Assembly of BIEN-Switzerland

AG image

The ordinary general assembly of BIEN-CH took place:

Saturday, June 7th 2014, 10am

CSP Fraternity room, Place Arlaud 2, 1003 Lausanne

It was followed in the afternoon with a presentation session and animation proposed by Generation-RBI, the Romand action group for the "federal initiative for a basic income" and member of BIEN-CH.

A Canadian buffet was served between two: sandwiches, delicious salads and other home made dishes, the whole accompanied with soft drinks, were shared on the terrasse.

For the friends of Basic Income, the occasion was too good to be missed. They were thus quite a lot at the meeting!

BIEN-CH GA agenda was: [+]

Basic Income at the solidaritéS spring university sessions

From may 16th to May 18th will be held a Spring university organized by local bi-monthly Journal Solidarités

Ferme La Bessonnaz

« Injustice raises at a sure pace » Berthold Brecht.

For its 5th Edition, the spring university will focus on the conflicting dynamics that the world is going through at the local, regional and international levels with a focus on the “new” challenges of what a modern radical left wing should be today. As such, anyone drawn to resistance and activism, will not only hold the ground on which all revolutionaries as well as neo-conservatives stand, it is always necessary to have a renewed understanding, to be able to act, to think to fight…


Saturday May 17th

Full session 2 (in French):

  • Jean-Marie HARRIBEY economist, professor at the University of Bordeaux IV, (France), member of scientific committee for ATTAC (France)
  • Gabriel BARTA member of the committee that initiated the federal initiative “initiative fédérale pour un revenue de base” and member of BIEN-Switzerland committee
  • Audrey SCHMIDT syndicalist, member of SolidaritéS group

See original story on solidaritéS website (in French)

Translation: David Blum [+]

The Basic Income European network sets its ground in Brussels

Board of speakers
Photos : Ralph Kundig

Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE), conceived during the European citizen initiative of 2013, on April 10th formalized its very existence in a big conference in Brussels held within the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), itself a consultative body of the European Union’s institutions.

Thanks to a diversified program and quality, notable speakers, the conference’s organizer has overcome the challenge of almost completely filling the room of 180 seats, provided by the EESC. [+]

Minimum Wage or Base income?



The question has been sometimes asked about the link between a minimum wage and a basic income. There is even a confusion between the two. Gabriel Barta brings in this article a few elements that raise the thinking on the topic.


The base between the two concepts, from the practical aspects to the theory are radically different: [+]

Andreas Gross : "Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen ist ein Beitrag zur Demokratisierung der Demokratie"

Andreas Gross ist eine Galionsfigur der Demokratie in der Schweiz und für die Schweiz im Europarat. Er ist für den Kanton Zürich als Nationalrat im Schweizerischen Parlament. Er war Mitbegründer der Volksinitiative für die Abschaffung der Schweizer Armee. [+]

Öffentliche Tagung im Basel: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen in Japan und in der Schweiz

Datum: Samstag, 25.01.2014, 11.00 - 19.00

Öffentliche Tagung im Stadtcasino Basel, Hans Huber-Saal, Steinenberg 14, 4051 Basel

Eintritt frei, simultan Japanisch und Deutsch übersetzt

Veranstalter: Stiftung Kulturimpuls Schweiz

Konzept: Enno Schmidt und Birgit Ebel

Reservierung möglich:

Birgit Ebel, [email protected]


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