Came to power in April in Finland, Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and Finnish center- right coalition announced in early July, to want to try the experience of unconditional basic income. At the last city council of Utrecht in Holland, Green Left and the Social Liberal Party agreed: the city will launch in the first quarter 2016, an experiment UBI. On July 6, 2015, the Regional Council of Aquitaine in France has voted unanimously a motion by the Green Group, to experiment on the territory an adaptation of his active solidarity income (RSA) towards an UBI.
In Finland, all citizens, whatever their age or social status, would have the right to a basic income guaranteed. This universal income, without compensation paid, would be enough to live modestly. Citizens who wish to have a higher standard of living will certainly complement this basic income being employed, artisans and entrepreneurs. This universal income will replace all existing social benefits, including basic pensions. Finland has a per inhabitant GDP higher than Germany and France. But that basic income is also made possible by a significant reduction in the number of state employees in charge of its social programs.
In Holland, the city of Utrecht will launch early 2016 a study, which is expected to last two years. Participants will be divided into five groups: the first will continue to receive his regular allocations (from 900 to 1300 euros per month), but without any rules or compensation, according to the principles of unconditional basic income. Participants in this group will retain this money whatever happens, even if they receive other income or a new job. The aim is to assess whether the participants are volunteers or not to find work, or occupation, whatever it is, when they are guaranteed to receive money every month. A second group of control will stay with the same rules as today. A third group constraints in force, unless the obligation of active job search. Ditto for the fourth and fifth groups, except that the fourth member can volunteer two days a week and then will receive 150 euro bonus, and those of the fifth will receive it automatically, but if they do not perform the volunteer work will loose it.
In Aquitaine, given the difficulty of establishing a true basic income to the level of a region, it would be to experience the automatic and unconditional payment of the RSA (Active Solidarity Income) to anyone currently entitled to. "The RSA calculation rules wouldn't change. On the other hand, the beneficiaries will no longer have to do any steps to collect or to prove their job search. All who are now entitled to receive the RSA would receive it automatically without having to ask (two thirds of those eligible now renounce by ignorance, shame or fear of red tape).
Inconditional RSA
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