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Hier erhalten Sie Informationen Ereignisse rund um das Thema Grundeinkommen (Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in der Schweiz und im Ausland, öffentliche Stellungnahmen, Vorträge, Veranstaltungen usw.)

New book about the UBI « What is missing when everything is there? »

A new book on the RBI, written by Daniel Häni and Philip Kovce, just released «Was fehlt, wenn alles ist da?» (What is missing when everything is there?)
Why the unconditional basic income raises the good questions.

Book cover

The unconditional basic income dramatically raises the question of self-determination of a person: what work would you do if you had no need to earn a living? What do you think you are capable of, and what the others? [+]

A poll in the Tagesanzeiger shows 49% of people in favor of Unconditional Basic Income


A non-representative survey of Tagesanzeiger / Newsnet indicates that 49% of the 3112 people who took part in favor of the initiative while only 42% are against. When asked what amount should be paid to adults, 35% of people agree with the proposal of initiators in the amount of CHF 2'500, 14% are for an amount between CHF 1000 and 2 '000.-, 7% for an amount between 3'000.- and 4'000.- and 4% did not know (39% are against any idea of independent labor income). You can find answers to other interesting questions on the Tagesanzeiger site.

Tagesanzeiger umfrage

You will find answers to other interesting questions on the on the website of the Tagesanzeiger (DE).

It is interesting that, unlike our federal parliamentarians have the initiative now enjoys broad popular support. This is not surprising since, as we have seen during the collection of signatures, it meets a genuine aspiration of the people. [+]

The National Council sweeps the initiative after three hours of debate

The National Council rejected the initiative by 146 votes against, 14 for and 12 abstentions, a result that is not surprising considering the novelty of our proposal. The next step is consideration by the Commission on Social Security and Public Health of the States Council Thursday 8 and Friday, 9 October, and the vote by the States (see the attached open letter of information we sent to the Commission). The sessions calendar shows it is entirely plausible that the initiative is submitted to popular vote already in June 2016.

vote panel
146 against – 12 abstentions – 14 for the initiative
(The vote was on the suggestion of rejection emitted by the Commission)

Hereafter extracts from the speech of M. Andreas Gross (Socialist/Zurich) at the National Council : [+]

Alternatiba-Geneva Festival, September 18-20, 2015 in Geneva

Alternatiba Leman

Alternatiba-Leman Festival will take place from September 18 to 20, 2015 in Geneva. For three days, meetings and celebrations will show that alternatives for climate and living together exist and allow to build a fairer and more cohesive society. [+]

New UBI prospectus: What would you do of your your life if you didn't have to gain it ?

Génération-RBI [UBI] launched a new prospectus for information on the UBI initiative. This is a pamphlet of five double-sided pages that have the essential information, on eight stories and the opinion of two experts: Mr. Guy-Olivier Segond, former Chairman of the State Council and the Department of Action social and health of the Canton of Geneva, and Mr. Sergio Rossi, Professor, Chair of macroeconomics and Monetary Economics, Department of Political Economy at the UNIFR.

UBI prospectus

An innovative and attractive graphic design, a lively and catchy editorial content makes you want to browse the prospectus, to show it to his friends and inspires the general public for more information. Ask soon your own prospectus for distribution via our our order form !

Note: yet only available in FR. [+]

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