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A basic income pilot in Lausanne!

Panorama de Lausanne

The inevitable "All work deserves a salary but all salary deserves work" has been pronounced. However the idea of a Lausanne laboratory to test a basic income has made it's way. The idea: "to study the effects of giving a basic income to group of people already receiving State assistance" explained Léonore Porchet. This in order to see "which are conditions that encourage or discourage the efforts of those receiving social assistance in the search for a job", she explained.

The Communal Council of Lausanne accepted this postulate of our friend, activist and member of the Council, Laurent Rebeaud Greens Vaud. The Municipality will have to consider implementing a basic income pilot project, that will allow to test this idea. Léonore Porchet brilliantly defended this postulate in front of the Communal Council and made her voice heard. The experiment is excpected to be conducted on a sample of people which already receive State assistance. Similar experiments are expected in other countries like the Netherlands and Finland.

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