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Success for the European Citizens' Initiative: €15,000 collected in two days!

Campaign launching

The campaign of participative financing of the European movement for a basic income started on November 7th. In two days it already overtook the objective fixed by 15'000€. It still lasts until November 21st.

European Citizens' Initiative for Unconditional Basic Income (www.basicincome2013.eu) proposes a new form of total social security for all citizens. It aims to eradicate poverty, protect people from the consequences of un(der)employment and recognize the essential labor which happens outside the market. Our goal is to collect 1 million signatures by January 2014 to force the European Commission to do research into the policy and organise an official hearing about basic income in the European Parliament.

All basic income supporters and the 125,000 people who have already signed the European initiative are called to donate and help to finance the collection of the rest of the 875,000 signatures needed. It’s important to do it now - while the whole of Europe is excited about basic income. With enough contributions, the needed millions will be rapidly reached making thus basic income a political topic which can’t be ignored anymore. Please click the button “Back This Project” below and donate now.

Who organizes this fundraising, and why?

European citizens mobilized to organize the basic income crowdfunding campaign to finance the promotion of the European citizens' initiative, in order to collect the 875,000 remaining before the Jan. 14, 2014 signatures.

What is crowdfunding?

Bringing together small amounts of money from many advocates of a cause on a dedicated web platform. A page has been created specifically for the ECI campaign: http://funding.basicincome2013.eu

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