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A number of "A Contrario" on the basic income

The twenty-first edition of the interdisciplinary social science journal « A Contrario », entirely devoted to basic income, was published:

« Un revenu de base – une responsabilité citoyenne » A basic income - a civic responsibility
A contrario N°21, Serge Margel (dir.), 172 pages.

Couverture A Contrario

Online consultation on Cairn.info and sale on the e-readers.ch. [+]

The Council of States says no to UBI

Alain Berset: This proposed initiative is out of a sense of assurance to move towards a logic of existence.

As expected, the Council of State rejected in turn the federal initiative. Among the speeches, note that Federal Councillor Alain Berset observed that the initiative proposes to "get out of a logic of insurance to move towards a logic of existence".

The Council of States Liliane Maury Pasquier expressed his side that "The idea to grant all citizens and all citizens unconditionally and individual allocation of indefinite duration, the duration of a lifetime, is distinguished by its simplicity and its fairness. The idea, however, is running in other states, including the Netherlands. At a time when paid work is often pressurized, precarious and where almost half of the current Swiss jobs may disappear in a more or less near future, the unconditional basic income offers a possible and credible alternative horizon. A project to both social and liberal, relying on autonomy and talents of each person, a project that is neither left nor right but touches on core values. " [+]

RTS puts the spotlight on basic income

At 19.30 on Tuesday, 15 December

We were treated to a beautiful subject on the basis of income at 19.30, with explanations, graphics and testimonials. We celebrate and we send a very big thank you to Magali Rochat and Darius Rochebin (movie in French):

We wish to clarify, however, that the unconditional basic income does not completely replace the UI, contrary to what was said.

At 12.45 on Friday, December 18th

Martina Chyba, head of the section society and culture of RTS, and convinced of the basic income, opposite Elisabeth Eckert, Head of the Economics Section Matin Dimanche (movie in French):

Our friend Laurent Rebeaud is gone


We have the immense sad to announce the death of Laurent Rebeaud on the night of Dec. 10 to 11, 2015, following an accident. Lawrence worked for a year with us as a member of the coordinating team for the federal initiative. His commitment was most recently illustrated by the filing of a premise to the City of Lausanne for the establishment of a pilot basic income.

Laurent Rebeaud at a coordination meeting of the Swiss campaign for RBI [+]

The basic income at TedXLaRochelle

The theme of the TEDxLaRochelle of this year was: « The Crisis, What Crisis? »

A great opportunity to talk about basic income! Anne-Beatrice Duparc, an activist in the Swiss movement, it was invited and made a talk on the subject.

I am proud to wear ,what some see as a utopia. Because the utopias is ,what make our changing world. Women vote, the end of slavery, paid leave, were one day utopias that are now realities, thanks to people like you and me. I, today, I will talk about this next utopia that could transform our society: the unconditional basic income.

(English translation soon available) [+]

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