
Soon an unconditional basic income in Lausanne?

The Lausanne Municipal Council had before it, a new proposal of experimentation of unconditional basic income (UBI).

Palais de Rumine in Lausanne

Laurent Rebeaud, municipal councilor of the City of Lausanne, filed October 6, 2015 for a postulate requesting the Municipality to launch a study on the desirability and feasibility of a pilot RBI locally, similar to those launched in thirty Dutch cities, including Utrecht. [+]

Collective proposal addressed to the Valais Constituent Assembly

Draw me a constitution for the 21st century



The inhabitants of the canton of Valais, the undersigned, ask the Constituent Assembly to include in the future constitution of the canton the following articles:

  1. Every inhabitant of Valais has the right to the indispensable means that allow him to lead a dignified life and participate in public life.
  2. The State ensures the realization of this right through the introduction of an unconditional basic income.

Social protection in force has become inadequate

  • forms of precarious work have emerged, conditions and social contributions are no longer guaranteed
  • the aging of the population and the decrease in years of work threaten the AVS and the 2nd pillar
  • a new class of working poor (precariat) knows the insecurity and passes through the meshes of the social net
  • privacy controls are humiliating for claimants of social benefits
  • with its multiple revisions, the social system has become both overcrowded and insufficient

Universal Basic Income is paid

  • to the entire population regularly established, with an amount sufficient to allow a dignified life
  • to individuals and not to households
  • without taking into account any other element of income or fortune
  • without any obligation to accept a job or to have to justify his incapacity to work
  • without any obligation to provide counterpart

The introduction of the basic income

  • will be done pragmatically, either by a general measure, or gradually, in addition to existing federal social insurance, or by other reforms

The Council of States says no to UBI

Alain Berset: This proposed initiative is out of a sense of assurance to move towards a logic of existence.

As expected, the Council of State rejected in turn the federal initiative. Among the speeches, note that Federal Councillor Alain Berset observed that the initiative proposes to "get out of a logic of insurance to move towards a logic of existence".

The Council of States Liliane Maury Pasquier expressed his side that "The idea to grant all citizens and all citizens unconditionally and individual allocation of indefinite duration, the duration of a lifetime, is distinguished by its simplicity and its fairness. The idea, however, is running in other states, including the Netherlands. At a time when paid work is often pressurized, precarious and where almost half of the current Swiss jobs may disappear in a more or less near future, the unconditional basic income offers a possible and credible alternative horizon. A project to both social and liberal, relying on autonomy and talents of each person, a project that is neither left nor right but touches on core values. " [+]