The inhabitants of the canton of Valais, the undersigned, ask the Constituent Assembly to include in the future constitution of the canton the following articles:
- Every inhabitant of Valais has the right to the indispensable means that allow him to lead a dignified life and participate in public life.
- The State ensures the realization of this right through the introduction of an unconditional basic income.
Social protection in force has become inadequate
- forms of precarious work have emerged, conditions and social contributions are no longer guaranteed
- the aging of the population and the decrease in years of work threaten the AVS and the 2nd pillar
- a new class of working poor (precariat) knows the insecurity and passes through the meshes of the social net
- privacy controls are humiliating for claimants of social benefits
- with its multiple revisions, the social system has become both overcrowded and insufficient
Universal Basic Income is paid
- to the entire population regularly established, with an amount sufficient to allow a dignified life
- to individuals and not to households
- without taking into account any other element of income or fortune
- without any obligation to accept a job or to have to justify his incapacity to work
- without any obligation to provide counterpart
The introduction of the basic income
- will be done pragmatically, either by a general measure, or gradually, in addition to existing federal social insurance, or by other reforms