
Guinness Record - the world's biggest poster

Poster's aerial view

"What would you do if your income were taken care of?" The Unconditional Basic Income raises what might now well be called the world's biggest question. It's been in fact written on a 110x72 meters poster, installed on Plaine de Plainpalais on 14th may in Geneva by the Swiss network for UBI. That day the poster officially won a Guinness Book award of the world's biggest poster. The event got live covered for half an hour on a big screen on New York's Time Square! [+]

The basic income at TedXLaRochelle

The theme of the TEDxLaRochelle of this year was: « The Crisis, What Crisis? »

A great opportunity to talk about basic income! Anne-Beatrice Duparc, an activist in the Swiss movement, it was invited and made a talk on the subject.

I am proud to wear ,what some see as a utopia. Because the utopias is ,what make our changing world. Women vote, the end of slavery, paid leave, were one day utopias that are now realities, thanks to people like you and me. I, today, I will talk about this next utopia that could transform our society: the unconditional basic income.

(English translation soon available) [+]

Davos: will robots replace the human workforce?

davos basic income dancing robot
Image: Samuel Asuncion

The 46th edition of the World Economic Forum ended on January 23rd. The danger that represents the 4th industrial revolution for employment was at the heart of the debates. MIT economist Erik Brynjolfsson underlined that "we're heading towards a future with incredible amounts of wealth and little work" . His university just published a report stating that 47% of all jobs in the US could be automated within 20 years. Another study by the WEF shows that artificial intelligence will destroy 7.1 million jobs in the next five years in the 15 main world economies and will only create 2 million new jobs. [+]