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Information is essential!

Basic income TV show

Basic income TV show

Information is essential

Dear friend,

The information on unconditional basic income (UBI) is gradually getting organized, and there are new publications just waiting to stimulate your grey cells. One of them is the detailed information dossier we have just sent to the Members of Parliament (Conseillers nationaux) who are considering the matter; another is a brand new French-language newspaper entirely devoted to the subject of UBI.


Happy reading!

Our new detailed information dossier

Our information dossier sent to the parliament

At the end of last year we sent the members of the Committees for Social Security and Health of National Concil* (CSSH-N) our detailed dossier on the Unconditional Basic Income initiative. This Commission will be continuing to consider the initiative at its next meeting, scheduled for 19-20 February 2015.

With the dossier we enclosed a cover-note, reproduced below, suggesting that the deputies commission a thorough study examining the possible effects of the introduction of a basic income. Such a study should in principle have been carried out by the Government before sending the initiative on to the Parliament, but it still has not been done, even though it is essential for the Parliament and later on the voters to have a satisfactory basis for their decision.

* National Concil is the lower house of parliament

To start well the new year, read and share L'Inconditionnel

L'inconditionnel under the Christmas tree

Among the many happenings around UBI, December was notable for an event which is historic for the world movement behind this idea: the launch of L’Inconditionnel, a French-language newspaper dedicated to the concept of UBI, produced in partnership by the networks in Switzerland, France and Belgium and financed by more than 200 people.

This first number, free of charge, introduces the ideas behind the basic income in various ways. Its print run was 60,000 copies, so it is perfect for spreading the proposal widely. On www.linconditionnel.info you will find a downloadable version in PDF; even better, on the same site you can identify the physical distribution point nearest you, where you can obtain one or more copies to give to your friends.

National coordination meeting for Switzerland, 17 January, Zurich

Basic income buffet

The groups in German Switzerland planning for the initiative’s voting campaign have organized a meeting in Zurich, and are cordially inviting everyone already involved (or who would like to get involved) in the voting campaign, to attend. The meeting will be an opportunity to exchange ideas, plans and our enthusiasm for convincing the population to say “Yes” to the coming popular vote on the initiative.

Saturday, 17 January 2015, 14 :00 - 17 :00
Au Premier, Zurich Central Station.

Meeting open to all!

A huge thank you to all those who helped with time and money until now. In order to support the signature campaign, every contribution is precious. Dear friend, we thank you in advance for clicking, according to your possibilities, on one of the buttons below:

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