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News | BIEN-CH


Hier erhalten Sie Informationen Ereignisse rund um das Thema Grundeinkommen (Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in der Schweiz und im Ausland, öffentliche Stellungnahmen, Vorträge, Veranstaltungen usw.)

General Assembly of BIEN-Switzerland

AG image

The ordinary general assembly of BIEN-CH took place:

Saturday, June 7th 2014, 10am

CSP Fraternity room, Place Arlaud 2, 1003 Lausanne

It was followed in the afternoon with a presentation session and animation proposed by Generation-RBI, the Romand action group for the "federal initiative for a basic income" and member of BIEN-CH.

A Canadian buffet was served between two: sandwiches, delicious salads and other home made dishes, the whole accompanied with soft drinks, were shared on the terrasse.

For the friends of Basic Income, the occasion was too good to be missed. They were thus quite a lot at the meeting!

BIEN-CH GA agenda was: [+]

The Basic Income European network sets its ground in Brussels

Board of speakers
Photos : Ralph Kundig

Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE), conceived during the European citizen initiative of 2013, on April 10th formalized its very existence in a big conference in Brussels held within the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), itself a consultative body of the European Union’s institutions.

Thanks to a diversified program and quality, notable speakers, the conference’s organizer has overcome the challenge of almost completely filling the room of 180 seats, provided by the EESC. [+]

Minimum Wage or Base income?



The question has been sometimes asked about the link between a minimum wage and a basic income. There is even a confusion between the two. Gabriel Barta brings in this article a few elements that raise the thinking on the topic.


The base between the two concepts, from the practical aspects to the theory are radically different: [+]

Pilote experiences: India on the go to a new paradigm?

What if your lunch break of Thursday noon took place in India?

We have the pleasure to welcome Guy Standing in Geneva. He will present us the pilot experiments of basic income led in India between 2010 and 2013.

Pilot experiments of unconditional income: does India go to a change of paradigm?

Guy Standing - Geneva [+]

We the Swiss, calling on the world!

If you want to know more about the Swiss activists movement and how thrilling its story is, just read this article's blog by Anne-Béatrice Duparc : We the Swiss, calling on the world! Definitely, "this is not the story of Switzerland anymore. This is the story of YOU and ME, us ALL, humanity."

Excerpt of the blog's article:

blog's screenshot


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