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Hier erhalten Sie Informationen Ereignisse rund um das Thema Grundeinkommen (Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in der Schweiz und im Ausland, öffentliche Stellungnahmen, Vorträge, Veranstaltungen usw.)

A website for the campaign is born

Coltello svizzero nel cielo del Cervino

The swiss campaign for an unconditional basic income has launched a new website dedicated exclusively to the initiative and the referendum: With a modern and attractive interface, it presents essential information on basic income, the initiative, arguments and our support networks, notably: Initiative-Grundeinkommen in Basel, Agentur[zum]Grundeinkommen in Zürich, Forum-Grundeinkommen in Bern, Génération-RBI in the Romandie, TiRBI in Ticino eand BIEN-Switzerland.

Our website is available in four languages: FR, DE, IT, EN. It allows people from Switzerland and from the whole world to support the initiative. You can also access it with the short URL:, easy to remember and to share. You can copy this link in your emails, your messages on social media and other websites, in order to make it more visible on search engines. [+]

The Council of States says no to UBI

Alain Berset: This proposed initiative is out of a sense of assurance to move towards a logic of existence.

As expected, the Council of State rejected in turn the federal initiative. Among the speeches, note that Federal Councillor Alain Berset observed that the initiative proposes to "get out of a logic of insurance to move towards a logic of existence".

The Council of States Liliane Maury Pasquier expressed his side that "The idea to grant all citizens and all citizens unconditionally and individual allocation of indefinite duration, the duration of a lifetime, is distinguished by its simplicity and its fairness. The idea, however, is running in other states, including the Netherlands. At a time when paid work is often pressurized, precarious and where almost half of the current Swiss jobs may disappear in a more or less near future, the unconditional basic income offers a possible and credible alternative horizon. A project to both social and liberal, relying on autonomy and talents of each person, a project that is neither left nor right but touches on core values. " [+]

Finland, Holland, France, the UBI will soon be experienced in Europe

Came to power in April in Finland, Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and Finnish center- right coalition announced in early July, to want to try the experience of unconditional basic income. At the last city council of Utrecht in Holland, Green Left and the Social Liberal Party agreed: the city will launch in the first quarter 2016, an experiment UBI. On July 6, 2015, the Regional Council of Aquitaine in France has voted unanimously a motion by the Green Group, to experiment on the territory an adaptation of his active solidarity income (RSA) towards an UBI.


In Aquitaine, given the difficulty of establishing a true basic income to the level of a region, it would be to experience the automatic and unconditional payment of the RSA (Active Solidarity Income) to anyone currently entitled to. "The RSA calculation rules wouldn't change. On the other hand, the beneficiaries will no longer have to do any steps to collect or to prove their job search. All who are now entitled to receive the RSA would receive it automatically without having to ask (two thirds of those eligible now renounce by ignorance, shame or fear of red tape).

Business Insider: A Simple Solution To Ending Poverty

« Everyone's Talking About This Simple Solution To Ending Poverty By Just Giving People Free Money. »

This story on the universal basic income published the 12th of November on Business Insider was written by David Vinik, political reporter. Business Insider is a U.S. business and technology news website launched in February 2009, based in New York City, which draws millions of visitors.

Real wages have been stagnant in America for decades now and income inequality has grown immensely. In the aftermath of the Great Recession, it’s only gotten worse. The Census Bureau reported in September that the 15 percent of Americans (46.5 million) live below the poverty line.

« Real wages have been stagnant in America for decades now and income inequality has grown immensely.In the aftermath of the Great Recession, it’s only gotten worse. The Census Bureau reported in September that the 15 percent of Americans (46.5 million) live below the poverty line. Government benefits like food stamps and TANF help lift some of them above the line, but millions still live below it.

« Economists have long shuddered at the thought of a basic income, because it strongly disincentives work. However, a basic income is just that: basic. Most adults would continue to work to earn extra money. The employment effects would not be non-existent and there may be an increase in part-time work. As Lowrey points out, different studies have found the disincentive effects on work are not as strong as economists feared. »

Read full story on Business Insider. [+]

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