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ARTIAS file: Unconditional basic income, the Social Security of the XXIth century


The Association of French and Italian speaking swiss institutions of social action (ARTIAS) published in July a file drafted by Ralph Kundig, President of BIEN-CH: « Unconditional basic income, the Social Security of the XXIth century » (20 pages, French).

Summary: [+]

Finland: Pro-Basic Income Centre Party wins election

The Centre Party, a party which is in support of Basic Income, will become the largest party in the Finnish parliament, after winning yesterday’s election.

Juha-Sipila, Center party
Juha-Sipilä, Center party.

They received 21% of the vote with 99% of votes counted. Other Basic Income-supporting parties, the Green League and the Left Alliance were on 8% and 7% respectively. This is a big gain for both the Centre Party and the Green League but is a reduction in support for the Left Alliance. The second and third biggest parties respectively were the conservative NCP party and the populist True Finns. As a result, the Centre Party is predicted to form a ruling coalition with these two parties. [+]

General Assembly 2015 of BIEN-Switzerland

General Assembly 2015

June 13th 2015 • 10h
CSP • Place Arlaud 2 • 1003 Lausanne

AG image

The ordinary general assembly of BIEN-CH took place:

Saturday June 13th 2015 10h to 13h

CSP Fraternité room, Place Arlaud 2, 1003 Lausanne
(near Place de la Riponne)

It was followed in the afternoon with a presentation session and animation proposed by Generation-RBI, romand action group for the "Federal initiative for a basic income" and member of BIEN-CH. This includes the program of a competitive teams, with a set of questions and answers about the UBI and a workroom to create a range of beggars robots (which also eventually will be replaced one day by robots ...). Several other game ideas around the UBI are under study and each are invited to offer other ideas. :)

A Canadian buffet was served between two: sandwiches, delicious salads and other home made dishes, the whole accompanied with soft drinks, were shared on the terrasse

For our basic income friends, it was a great opportunity to meet. There were forty of us awaiting!

BIEN-CH GA agenda was: [+]

England: Green party outlines plan for basic citizen’s income

Green party (England) outlines plan for basic citizen’s income for all adults.

Natalie Bennett says payment to replace unemployment benefit would ensure no one lived in fear of losing their home.

Nathalie Bennett, Green party leader
Green party leader, Natalie Bennett, on The Andrew Marr Show, discussing plans for a citizen's income,
photograph: Jeff Overs/BBC/Getty Images.

The Green party would spend billions to give every adult – in and out of work – a citizen’s income The Green party would spend billions to give every adult – in and out of work – a citizen’s income worth more than £72.40 a week, the current value of the jobseeker’s allowance.

Natalie Bennett, the Green leader, said the policy would ensure no one lived in fear of losing their home or being unable to feed themselves. She said some of the cost would be recovered by the payment being withdrawn when an individual income reached a certain level. [+]

National coordination meeting for Switzerland, 17 January, Zurich


The groups in German Switzerland planning for the initiative’s voting campaign have organized a meeting in Zurich, and are cordially inviting everyone already involved (or who would like to get involved) in the voting campaign, to attend. The meeting will be an opportunity to exchange ideas, plans and our enthusiasm for convincing the population to say “Yes” to the coming popular vote on the initiative.

Saturday, 17 January 2015, 14 :00 - 17 :00
Au Premier, Zurich Central Station.

Meeting open to all!

Information : Unconditional Basic Income coordination meeting

Invitation: [+]
