Unsere Aktivitäten

Hier erhalten Sie Informationen über die kommenden Aktivitäten von BIEN-Schweiz und über die nächsten Termine zum Thema Grundeinkommen.

Davos: will robots replace the human workforce?

davos basic income dancing robot
Image: Samuel Asuncion

The 46th edition of the World Economic Forum ended on January 23rd. The danger that represents the 4th industrial revolution for employment was at the heart of the debates. MIT economist Erik Brynjolfsson underlined that "we're heading towards a future with incredible amounts of wealth and little work" . His university just published a report stating that 47% of all jobs in the US could be automated within 20 years. Another study by the WEF shows that artificial intelligence will destroy 7.1 million jobs in the next five years in the 15 main world economies and will only create 2 million new jobs. [+]

A website for the campaign is born

Coltello svizzero nel cielo del Cervino

The swiss campaign for an unconditional basic income has launched a new website dedicated exclusively to the initiative and the referendum: initiative-revenudebase.ch. With a modern and attractive interface, it presents essential information on basic income, the initiative, arguments and our support networks, notably: Initiative-Grundeinkommen in Basel, Agentur[zum]Grundeinkommen in Zürich, Forum-Grundeinkommen in Bern, Génération-RBI in the Romandie, TiRBI in Ticino eand BIEN-Switzerland.

Our website is available in four languages: FR, DE, IT, EN. It allows people from Switzerland and from the whole world to support the initiative. You can also access it with the short URL: rbi2016.ch, easy to remember and to share. You can copy this link in your emails, your messages on social media and other websites, in order to make it more visible on search engines. [+]

Séance de coordination pour la campagne RBI à Genève

Séance de militants

Stratégie de campagne, communication, argumentation, projets en cours, à venir et nouvelles propositions.

Bienvenue à toute personne souhaitant s'informer et/ou s'engager pour la campagne de la votation pour le revenu de base inconditionnel en cours :)

p.s. Les Verts-GE sont étrangers à l'organisation de la séance.

Wednesday 20 Jan 2016, 18:30 - 20:30
Arcade des Verts
Rue des Voisins, 14
1205 Genève