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UBI arrives in Europe

Beggars robots of Génération-RBI

Beggars robots of Génération-RBI

UBI arrives in Europe!

Dear friend,

Three European countries are about to set up experiments on the Unconditional Basic Income: Finland, Holland and France. This shows that the UBI begins to be considered in Europe as a serious solution to the crisis of growth and employment. The European example could be an asset when, in one year about, the Swiss initiative will be voted. It will show to the people of the country that the UBI is not an utopia, but a realistic project which answers a real need.


Happy reading!

Alternatiba-Geneva Festival, September 18-20, 2015 in Geneva

Alternative village

Alternatiba-Leman Festival will take place from September 18 to 20, 2015 in Geneva. For three days, meetings and celebrations will show that alternatives for climate and living together exist and allow to build a fairer and more cohesive society

At the festival, you can meet us at our information booth and at the presentation that Ralph Kundig, President of BIEN-CH and Co-Chair of the Swiss Campaign for the UBI will host on Saturday at 14h at the hall of the Carson, Maison des Associations, 15 rue des Savoises.

Finland, Holland, France, the UBI will soon be experienced in Europe

Came to power in April in Finland, Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and Finnish center- right coalition announced in early July, to want to try the experience of unconditional basic income. At the last city council of Utrecht in Holland, Green Left and the Social Liberal Party agreed: the city will launch in the first quarter 2016, an experiment UBI. On July 6, 2015, the Regional Council of Aquitaine in France has voted unanimously a motion by the Green Group, to experiment on the territory an adaptation of his active solidarity income (RSA) towards an UBI.

New UBI prospectus: What would you do of your your life if you didn't have to gain it ?

New UBI prospectus

Génération-RBI [UBI] launched a new prospectus for information on the UBI initiative. This is a pamphlet of five double-sided pages that have the essential information, on eight stories and the opinion of two experts: Mr. Guy-Olivier Segond, former Chairman of the State Council and the Department of Action social and health of the Canton of Geneva, and Mr. Sergio Rossi, Professor, Chair of macroeconomics and Monetary Economics, Department of Political Economy at the UNIFR.

An innovative and attractive graphic design, a lively and catchy editorial content makes you want to browse the prospectus, to show it to his friends and inspires the general public for more information. Ask soon your own prospectus for distribution via our our order form !

Note: yet only available in FR.

ARTIAS file: Unconditional basic income, the Social Security of the XXIth century


« The basic income allows a distribution of the employment chosen rather than undergone, makes useless the measures of social control, does not lead threshold effect which discourages the employability and encourages the entrepreneurship. It represents the necessary major social progress for our society today of the XXIth century. »

The Association of French and Italian speaking swiss institutions of social action (ARTIAS) published in July a file drafted by Ralph Kundig, President of BIEN-CH: « Unconditional basic income, the Social Security of the XXIth century » (20 pages, French).

General Assembly of June 2015

UBI competitive teams play

Our last G.A. took place on Saturday, June 13th, 2015 in Lausanne. Ralph Kundig and Gabriel Barta were respectively reelected president and vice-president. The committee was partially renewed, complete lists of its members is available on our website.

The G.A. was followed in the afternoon with a presentation session and animation proposed by Generation-RBI, romand action group for the "Federal initiative for a basic income" and member of BIEN-CH. This includes the program of a competitive teams, with a set of questions and answers about the UBI and a workroom to create a range of beggars robots (which also eventually will be replaced one day by robots ...). Several other game ideas around the UBI are under study and each are invited to offer other ideas. :)

Our recent press review

The lastly rich press review assembled by the press observers of Génération-RBI us available on our website. If you follow the media in English, you can join the team of the press observers for the English language or simply let us know, here and there, when some issues worthy of our press review are released.

The group of “active” people for the initiative has recently expanded to the campaign approach. Join us too, or if you do not have the time, a gift from you will multiply the effectiveness of the actions of our volunteer activists. every contribution is precious. Dear friend, we thank you in advance for clicking, according to your possibilities, on one of the buttons below:

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