Ralph Kundig

TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryOrdentliche Generalversammlung 2020 Ralph Kundig04 years 5 weeks ago
Forum topicDes stagiaires gratuits à vie ou des travailleurs exploités pour une misère Guest14 years 6 weeks ago
Blog entrySur Infrarouge, atterrissage en crabe sur le Revenu de Base Inconditionnel Ralph Kundig04 years 9 weeks ago
Forum topicPour un RBI intégrant la notion de Ménage et non seulement d'individu pymathys14 years 13 weeks ago
WebformCollective proposal addressed to the Valais Constituent Assembly Ralph Kundig04 years 23 weeks ago
StoryPRESSEMITTEILUNG: Petition für das BGE an den Walliser Verfassungsrat Ralph Kundig04 years 31 weeks ago
StoryÖsterreich stimmt über Grundeinkommen ab Ralph Kundig04 years 31 weeks ago
PageMedien revue Ralph Kundig04 years 31 weeks ago
StoryTeufelskreis wird durchbrochen - Philip Kovce Ralph Kundig04 years 33 weeks ago
EventWeg aus der Wachstumsfalle Ralph Kundig04 years 34 weeks ago
PageInscriptions à l'Association Ralph Kundig04 years 38 weeks ago
WebformReceving infos, participating, supporting, becoming a member Ralph Kundig04 years 38 weeks ago
PageHome Ralph Kundig04 years 46 weeks ago
PageNewsletter inscription list Ralph Kundig04 years 47 weeks ago
StoryPoster of BIEN-Switzerland for the 18th Congress of BIEN-International Ralph Kundig05 years 5 weeks ago
StoryPress release: Greens call for UBI pilot experience in Geneva Ralph Kundig05 years 5 weeks ago
StoryOrdentliche Generalversammlung 2019 Ralph Kundig05 years 13 weeks ago
StoryCrowdfunding for the Unconditional Basic Income experiment in Rheinau/ZH Ralph Kundig05 years 33 weeks ago
StoryAssemblée générale ordinaire 2018 Ralph Kundig05 years 34 weeks ago
PageBIEN-CH Privacy Policy Ralph Kundig06 years 3 weeks ago
StoryOrdentliche Generalversammlung 2017 Ralph Kundig06 years 10 weeks ago
StoryNotre président Ralph Kundig est candidat au Grand Conseil de Genève Ralph Kundig06 years 14 weeks ago
StoryUBI vote: one person in four says “yes” Ralph Kundig06 years 17 weeks ago
PageAktuelles Ralph Kundig06 years 19 weeks ago
Forum topicRBI et aide sociale ? Guest16 years 30 weeks ago