Ralph Kundig

TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Forum topicTémoignage chômeur Guest18 years 27 weeks ago
Forum topicCommunication visuelle et slogans Anne-Beatrice Duparc278 years 27 weeks ago
StoryOur friend Laurent Rebeaud is gone Ralph Kundig08 years 28 weeks ago
StoryThe Council of States says no to UBI Ralph Kundig08 years 28 weeks ago
StoryA number of "A Contrario" on the basic income Ralph Kundig08 years 28 weeks ago
StorySoon an unconditional basic income in Lausanne? Ralph Kundig08 years 36 weeks ago
StoryThe National Council sweeps the initiative after three hours of debate Ralph Kundig08 years 40 weeks ago
StoryA poll in the Tagesanzeiger shows 49% of people in favor of Unconditional Basic Income Ralph Kundig08 years 40 weeks ago
StoryNew book about the UBI « What is missing when everything is there? » Ralph Kundig08 years 40 weeks ago
StoryFinland, Holland, France, the UBI will soon be experienced in Europe Ralph Kundig08 years 42 weeks ago
StoryNew UBI prospectus: What would you do of your your life if you didn't have to gain it ? Ralph Kundig08 years 42 weeks ago
StoryARTIAS file: Unconditional basic income, the Social Security of the XXIth century Ralph Kundig08 years 42 weeks ago
StoryAlternatiba-Geneva Festival, September 18-20, 2015 in Geneva Ralph Kundig08 years 42 weeks ago
Storyplain Ralph Kundig09 years 4 weeks ago
StoryFinland: Pro-Basic Income Centre Party wins election Ralph Kundig09 years 5 weeks ago
StoryGeneral Assembly of BIEN-Switzerland Ralph Kundig09 years 25 weeks ago
PageGeld, allerdings Ralph Kundig09 years 26 weeks ago
StoryOur detailed information dossier on basic income sent to members of the CSSH-N Commission Ralph Kundig09 years 26 weeks ago
Newsletter issueInformation is essential! Ralph Kundig09 years 27 weeks ago
StoryNational coordination meeting for Switzerland, 17 January, Zurich Ralph Kundig09 years 27 weeks ago
StoryTo start well the new year, read and share L'Inconditionnel Ralph Kundig09 years 29 weeks ago
StoryCSSH-N Commission discards SP Income General Insurance as a counterproject Ralph Kundig09 years 31 weeks ago
PageLinks Ralph Kundig09 years 45 weeks ago
StoryFirst Summer University for Basic income Ralph Kundig09 years 51 weeks ago
StoryBasic Income at the solidaritéS spring university sessions Ralph Kundig010 years 9 weeks ago